Install docker in kali
Install docker in kali

Step 2/11 : RUN apt -y update & apt -y upgrade & apt -y autoremove & apt clean Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.072kB You can now create the image with command : docker build -t kali-light ~]$ mkdir ~]$ cd kali-light]$ docker build -t kali-light. RUN echo "alias ftp-server='python -m pyftpdlib -u \"admin\" -P \"S3cur3d_Ftp_3rv3r\" -p 2121'" > /root/.bashrcĬMD 3. RUN echo "alias http-server='python3 -m rver 8080'" > /root/.bashrc RUN echo "alias scan-range='nmap -T5 -n -sn'" > /root/.bashrc RUN echo "alias nse='ls /usr/share/nmap/scripts | grep '" > /root/.bashrc

install docker in kali

RUN echo "alias l='ls -al'" > /root/.bashrc RUN apt install aircrack-ng crackmapexec crunch curl dirb dirbuster dnsenum dnsrecon dnsutils dos2unix enum4linux exploitdb ftp git gobuster hashcat hping3 hydra impacket-scripts john joomscan masscan metasploit-framework mimikatz nasm ncat netcat-traditional nikto nmap patator php powersploit proxychains python-impacket python-pip python2 python3 recon-ng responder samba samdump2 smbclient smbmap snmp socat sqlmap sslscan sslstrip theharvester vim wafw00f weevely wfuzz whois wordlists wpscan -y -no-install-recommends RUN apt -y update & apt -y upgrade & apt -y autoremove & apt clean # Dockerfile kali-light # Official base image

  • Type command : Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V -All.
  • Open a PowerShell console as an administrator.
  • Grab account credentials on BugMeNot :.
  • install docker in kali

    Make docker work with your main user :.Install dockerįirst you need to install Docker obviously. So I wrote a small Dockerfile and docker-compose file to build a light kali image with usefull tools. I think you’ve got it, we’re going to use Docker for our offensive use. I will not describe here how docker works, the docs is already very good :

    install docker in kali

    It’s a really mainstream and usefull technology. Have you ever heard of Docker ? Yes I hope ! Docker provides applications through containerisation technology. STOP ! If you’ve already been is this situation before, this article is for you ) FFF*** why CrackMapExec is not installed by default ?

    Install docker in kali